Arts Entertainments

We learn life lessons from the people who come into our lives

One of the hot topics in today’s culture is bullying.

It can be a real problem for those, especially the young, who are affected by this. It can be a very traumatic experience for those who are victims.

The only problem is that there are no victims in life, only participants. These so-called bullies come into our lives for a reason. All we have to do is discover why they are taking advantage of us and take appropriate action to solve the problem for our benefit and improve our lives in the process.

Sometimes the solution is a physical solution and we have to deal with it physically to teach the person a lesson that they will remember for time immemorial.

But most of the time, it doesn’t have to end this way.

On a more subconscious level, the stalker is trying to teach us a lesson, once it is discovered, many times we can see that soul as someone who really improved our life by teaching us to be more self-reliant, or guiding us on a path of greater creativity.

If we go deeper, many times we will discover talents that we never knew we had, sometimes these talents would never be discovered unless others reject us and the only friend we have is ourselves and God. Once we do an examination of conscience, we discover many things about ourselves that we never knew existed.

We all have potential beyond our wildest dreams, but until we are forced to discover them, they go unnoticed. Only when an event external to us creates an environment into which we must go inward to find the hidden force, do we discover what we are truly capable of achieving.

Suppose you have the ability to become a great actor or singer, but because you are shy you don’t even think that you could become what you dream of.

By repressing his dream, he becomes even more shy by denying what his true character is, the more he becomes convinced of his dream, the more shy and unhappy he becomes until he feels downright miserable.

You would never get out of this vicious cycle if someone or something didn’t come along and rock your boat.

Because, at some level of consciousness, we all create everything we experience, your subconscious mind or higher self (what many refer to as our Christ Consciousness) kicks in and begins the search for an answer to make you a better person. and it will allow you to fulfill the mission of your life.

Here comes the bully, who has offered his time to help you. Sooner or later, your actions, or the actions of another soul if it failed, will awaken you to the reality of life, be it in this life or the next. It’s your choice.

By their actions and yours, both of you are evolving toward a greater understanding of life.

Many believe in the philosophy that we, each and every one of us, create our own reality, but when the going gets tough, their beliefs falter just when it is imperative that they stand up for their beliefs.

This is the time when one needs to do some serious contemplative thinking and look inward and wonder why we allow this to happen to us.

When we do, we will receive the answer and by recognizing the responsibility to create our reality, we can overcome this obstacle and move on to lead the life we ​​want and desire.

No one can do this for us, not our parents, family, the government or anyone else, it is ours and only for us.

Only then can we be proud of what we have overcome and thank those who have helped us on our way.

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