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What is Good Health?

Moderation and balance: the key to good health

Good health is not just “the absence of disease.” It is the absence of disease or discomfort.

“Good health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – WHO (World Health Organization).

We believe that we are healthy as long as we progress or decline at the same rate as those around us. Normally, an unhealthy condition does not develop overnight. Pathological development is always accompanied by warnings.

Our body is a wonderful machine. When something goes wrong, let us know in advance. We have to pick up the signs.

Each has a unique biochemistry, as well as a unique metabolism. Therefore, each individual has different nutritional needs that depend on their medical history and lifestyle.

Fortunately, there are generic ways to stay healthy. There are many common ways that, if followed, can help us stay healthy.

To stay healthy, we need to nourish our bodies by eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones. Calorie deprivation, elimination, and counting alone cannot nourish our bodies.

A state of good health means that all the organs of the body work in harmony. Exercise has a number of health benefits, but excessive exercise can cause stress and exhaustion.

High-fiber foods are good, but too much fiber prevents the absorption of minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron, leading to multiple deficiencies.

Food can heal and restore health to a sick person. Food is an important healing force. One can consider food as complementary medicine in many circumstances.

There is a difference between hunger and appetite. Hunger is the need for food. But we only have an appetite for certain foods, without actually being hungry.

Hunger is a physical need and appetite is only psychological and is triggered by temptation.

The role of exercise in our life is also important. With age our bodies become inflexible. It’s more due to disuse than wear. The human body requires a certain minimum level of activity.

Lack of activity or exercise affects muscle movements. Since you brush your teeth every day, you have to take time to exercise.

You can’t say you don’t have time to brush your teeth. Exercise could simply consist of brisk walking, aerobics, or going to the gym. Do what suits you. Either in the morning or in the afternoon.

Just walking for 30 minutes a day can do wonders for you to stay healthy.

Our ultimate goal in life is to be happy. We need to take care of our emotions and thoughts. Our physical health is influenced by our state of mind.

A negative mood due to anxieties, stress, tensions, deadlines, etc. It is reflected on a physical level.

We need to review our ever increasing needs and desires and become more aware of our inner space and practice solitude/silence to gain inner peace.

The key to good health lies in moderation and balance.

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