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Which is the "american idol" Mentality?

While promoting the new album Oceania, Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan tells KROQ in a recent interview that his music is a middle ground. “I think we have divided into two cultures, and I would say that there is a lot of music that fits into the medium that is not taken into account and I would say, essentially, that we are in that medium. On the one hand, you have to call is the mentality from American Idol that has permeated even alternative rock. You have a lot of robots with full sleeves and the fake hawks who don’t know who Henry Rollins is. “

So what really is the “American Idol mindset”? It may be generational, but there has definitely been a shift in the minds of consumers. We have forgotten that this is a television show intended to increase television ratings. Since American Idol began, The X Factor, The Voice, and many others have emerged. All of these shows ‘find’ talent and yes, some people become famous for the exposure. However, these television shows have created a negative “instant hit” mentality. Rarely are we shown the behind-the-scenes footage of carrying gear, training, training, carrying gear, playing shows, not sleeping. And why not ?? Because it’s not a good TV story! Rags to rich stories are always more glamorous. Otherwise, Cinderella wouldn’t be the ancient story that it is. In reality, the truth is that it takes a lot of work, determination, discipline, and sacrifice.

What makes one person more successful than another? We all make excuses to explain why we are not more successful. We say ‘I’m better than ______’ (insert celebrity name). “I am smarter, more handsome, more talented than _______.” But at the end of the day, that ‘celebrity’ put in hours of hard work. Have you ever heard of the 10,000 hour rule? Malcolm Gladwell investigated why some people become world class and others do not. Your book Outliers: the success story states “This is a book about outliers, about men and women doing unusual things. Over the course of the next few chapters, I will introduce you to one type of outlier after another: geniuses, business moguls, rock stars, and programmers. of software “. And what was the common factor? 10,000 hours. Yes, 10,000 of hard work can make you a master at your craft. Mr. Gladwell goes on to say, “So let me reiterate: An expert is someone who has a level of mastery over a special skill or knowledge in a particular field. Not the incredibly good. The world-class. The first Celebrities with name only. Those are the “outliers.” The “experts” are everyone else. “

Finally, there are a myriad of reasons why we don’t achieve our goals in life. Who is keeping you from your dreams? It’s okay to have doubts, everyone does, JUST DON’T LISTEN TO IT. Silence those insecurities and get to work. Keep in mind that the ‘instant success’ mindset is great for TV show ratings, but working hard on your goal will pay off and lead to your dreams.

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