
Why do poodles bite? Poodle Bite Problems Explained

Whether you have a poodle or not, most people will agree that these creatures are the cutest things around, especially little toy poodles. But if you’re a proud poodle owner, you’ll also know that poodle bites are a problem to be concerned about. In fact, Poodles are considered to have the highest tendency to bite of all dog breeds.

Although poodles do have this tendency, the good news is that it can be easily resolved. The key is to take note of your poodle’s tendency to bite and take corrective action to help the dog understand that biting is NOT okay.

It starts with simple aggression or barking. When we get a barking poodle on our hands, most of us tend to use scolding or negative reinforcement. This is a big mistake as it only irritates the dog more, sometimes leading to biting. The key is to not make your poodle upset enough that he leans in to bite. The way to do this is to understand why your dog is misbehaving in the first place.

Anytime your poodle misbehaves and tries to bite, try to determine the triggers that set the dog off. Are you having territorial problems? If so, was your territory invaded? Did something happen nearby cause you to be alarmed? These are questions you should ask yourself. If your poodle is still a puppy and has just started biting, it will be very easy to control it before it develops. A good way to do this is to whine and whine like a puppy would if he were bitten. This communicates that the bite hurts. If the problem persists for a long time and you feel that it may become a habit, then you can consider regular poodle training.

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