
Comparison: EmWave Personal Stress Relief Device vs. RESPeRATE Blood Pressure Lowering Device

Today’s review is a little different in that we’ll be comparing two devices that I’ve already reviewed in the past: the Heartmath emWave Personal Stress Reliever and the RESPeRATE blood pressure lowering device. Let me start by saying that I really like both devices and a lot of thought went into this review. Both devices are similar in some ways and very different in others. However, both are effective in helping you relieve stress and lower your blood pressure, so in that regard, they’re both clear winners.

The similarities

I guess I should start by explaining the ways the two devices are similar. Both the emWave and RESPeRATE devices allow you to lower your blood pressure and stress levels by helping you learn to control and slow down your breathing pattern. The concept is nothing new and has been taught in Yoga and other self-meditation disciplines for centuries. Given the right circumstances, both devices can lower your blood pressure quickly and, with regular use, will train you to keep your blood pressure level lower and actually teach you how to control your blood pressure. Of course, such reduction is relative and medication may be required. However, if the cause or at least part of the cause of your hypertension is stress related, one of these devices should help you feel much better!

The idea is simple: if you can breathe in and out in a slower, more relaxed way, your heart won’t work as hard and you’ll be calmer. The result is a much lower blood pressure and stress level. It is not too difficult to understand, but not everyone can achieve the desired results on their own; that’s where any of these machines can help.

The differences

While both the emWave personal stress reliever and the RESPeRATE blood pressure lowering device can help you achieve a therapeutic state of slow breathing and relaxation, the approach the two devices bring to the task differs considerably.

The emWave device

The emWave Personal Stress Reliever uses a thumb pressure monitor and a series of flashing LED lights to help you monitor stress levels and control your breathing. To operate the machine, simply press the sensor with your thumb and the device will determine your current stress level based on your heart rate and pulse rate. The result is then interpreted by the device and expressed by means of the flashing lights.

The device, through flashing lights, will tell you when to inhale and exhale to help you lengthen the duration between breaths which, after a few minutes, translates into a calmer and more relaxed state of mind. The relaxed state causes more relaxed breathing and a lowered pulse rate, which in turn reduces stress on the heart, which lowers blood pressure. The device also comes with an ear sensor, which can be used instead of the thumb sensor.

The RESPeRATE device

The RESPeRATE blood pressure lowering device uses an entirely different method to help you control your breathing. Where Heartmath emWave uses a thumb or ear sensor, RESPeRATE uses a sensor belt; and where emWave uses flashing lights, RESPeRATE uses musical tones.

When you wear the RESPeRATE device, you strap the sensor belt around your chest or waist, and that monitors your heartbeat and pulse. Then you put on your headphones. After the machine detects your pulse rate, the device will begin to play a series of pleasant, melodic tones. The first tone indicates when to inhale and the second tone indicates when to exhale.

The machine increases the duration of the tones until you are only taking about 10 breaths per minute, which is a very calm and relaxing level of breathing. Once the user reaches the most relaxed state of breathing, stress will be seen to drop as will blood pressure (just like with the emWave device).

The conclusion

Because both machines are effective at helping slow your breathing and lower your blood pressure and stress levels, choosing one over the other is quite difficult. However, a decision must be made. So, my final verdict is like this:

If you can afford the $250-$300 price of the RESPeRATE device, then it may be easier and more enjoyable to use. Some may find headphones and music tunes more naturally soothing compared to a thumb or ear sensor and constantly having to look at flashing lights. On the other hand, the emWave device’s $199 price tag makes it much more attractive in terms of affordability. Both products have their ardent fans!

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