
Eight reasons why dogs bite their tails

Unlike tail chasing, which is fairly harmless, tail chewing can be a bit dangerous for your four-legged friend. So, as a dog owner, if you see this behavior repeatedly in your dogs, try to stop it using whatever methods work best for both you and your dog.

Although there can be a number of reasons a dog bites its tail, some of the more common ones are listed below.

1. Skin infections

This is the most common reason your dog bites his tail. Skin infections can cause discomfort and an itchy feeling in the tails, so to relieve that discomfort, a dog will bite its tail. Take your dog to a veterinarian for a proper examination of the tail and to treat the infection.

2. Wound/Injury

Sometimes, while playing, a dog can get injured, which becomes a cause of irritation and discomfort for him, and to get rid of such pain, the dog licks his tail or chews on it. This will make the situation worse, so if he finds his dog biting its tail, talk to him in a soft voice to calm his nerves and then try to see what is causing his tail biting. If it is a wound, clean it with warm water and a cotton pad and take your dog to the vet for care.

3. docked tail

Tail docking is a procedure by which groomers or veterinarians cut the tail nipple of purebred dogs to conform to a breed standard. However, sometimes what happens is that while the tail is docked, some of the nerves are also severed, inducing pain in that area, causing discomfort to the dog and therefore causing it to bite the tail. tail. Talk to your vet to get the best possible advice on this.

4. Fleas/ticks

Fleas or ticks are another reason your dog bites his tail. Examine the tail and watch out for fleas and ticks and sprinkle some anti-tick powder after thoroughly brushing your dog. This will calm his irritation and he won’t bite his tail.

5. Fractured tail

Tail fractures are very common in dogs, especially dogs with large tails. Tail fractures occur when a tail gets stuck in a door or someone accidentally steps on it. It is another very common reason why dogs bite their tails. Take your dog to the vet for treatment before it gets worse.

6. Hunting instinct

Dogs are born hunters and it is this instinct that makes them chase their tails and if they finally grab it to nibble it. However, as a pet owner, you need to remember that while tail chasing is not dangerous for your dog, chewing on its tail is. So make efforts to stop this behavior by having your dog wear a collar.

7. Compulsive behavior

Some breeds of dogs are prone to chasing each other and chewing on their tails. The result is a vicious cycle in which a dog bites its tail to get rid of the irritation, yet the chewing causes more irritation and thus increased chewing. You can talk to the vet about it and put a collar on him so he can’t bite his tail.

8. Previous trauma

Another reason your dog bites his tail could be due to previous trauma or injury to his tail. Sometimes the wounds heal but the pain remains and it may be this pain that makes your four-legged friend bite his tail. If you just bought a puppy, find out about any trauma or injury the dog has suffered so that he is better equipped to deal with his tail-biting phenomenon.

In all these reasons mentioned above, the common thing is irritation in the tail. So if your dog is biting his tail, remember that there is some irritation or pain that your dog is trying to relieve. So now that you know it’s irritation that’s causing your dog to bite his tail, the next step should be to identify the cause of that irritation.

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