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Make him fall in love – Help him lower his guard

How do you let a guy know it’s okay to fall in love? How do you help him feel comfortable and let his guard down? How can you show him that your relationship is ready to go to the next level? Declaring love is a very scary thing for a man, but men seek love with the same intensity as women. If you understand how to connect with a man so that he feels safe, you can make him fall in love.

Do you think guys fall for women if they feel like sex is good? A good number of women might believe this to be true, but in reality, men don’t stay in a relationship for the sex. They are looking for that special partner, a caring and understanding woman, who can be a friend and safe.

This is much more important to a man than sexual compatibility. In fact, sex can actually prevent love from happening because it interferes with the formation of the vital emotional connection that is necessary for a strong and lasting union. A man needs to feel that his partner is his best friend, the only person with whom he can open up and who will listen to him without judging or criticizing. If you want him to fall in love, delay sex for a while so your attention can be focused on building that deep emotional bond.

Communication is another very important piece of the puzzle in any relationship. Many people, both men and women, do not realize the value of listening as carefully as they speak. However, true communication is achieved only when both parties feel free to express their ideas. If you assure your guy that you are there for him, little by little he will begin to open up to you with his innermost thoughts. This is what a man hopes to find in a partner for life. You must remember that you must always be genuine and sincere or else you will lose his trust when he is most vulnerable; Never play with his emotions.

Admiration is another key component in a healthy and loving relationship, and it should go beyond mere physical admiration. Sure, good looks can help, but respecting your partner’s inner qualities makes for a lasting union. Open up and let your man see your true personality. Show him your intelligence and your sentimentality. Don’t put on any melody; it is very difficult to pretend that you are something that you are not for a long time. Connect honestly with his emotions and soon you will be spending time with a man who has fallen in love with you.

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