
Mistakes people make when trying to make money on YouTube

It can be really easy to make money on YouTube if you know what you’re doing. YouTube drives very specific people to your website, signs up for your email list, and quickly builds a lot of trust. However, if you don’t do it correctly, you may feel frustrated by the lack of results. In this article, I will discuss with you the most common mistakes people make when trying to make money from YouTube.

1. Your channel has no theme

Many times when I review a YouTube channel, I don’t see a real structure in the videos. There’s just a bunch of random videos about all kinds of stuff. A YouTube channel is a hub. Many people visit YouTube channels to learn more about the author. If there is no structure, people are going to get confused. Keep your videos about your family, funny cat videos, and your camping trip on a different channel, and make it easier to understand what your channel and videos are about.

2. Videos are not optimized

A YouTube video is a web page. Let me say it again. A YouTube video is a web page. Therefore, it follows the same rules as a web page when it comes to SEO. Titles, tags, descriptions, they are all critical. Make your videos unique, not your titles. If you want to be found, you need to focus on keyword-rich titles. Use good quality keywords in the tags and make sure the description has good content that explains the video.


When you use YouTube to drive traffic to your site, you need to have your FULL URL in your description. It has to be him first thing in your description too. and not only http://www. must be the complete “”. Not only is this nice to have for getting your audience to your site, but it works wonders for your SEO. It is a link pointing to your site from a very popular site.

4. No watermark

This is so often overlooked. Having a subtle image in your video of a logo for your brand, or just your website URL, works wonders. Without fail, 50% of the traffic I see when I only market on YouTube is direct traffic. I know it’s because they see my URL watermark and type it into the address bar.

5. No call to action

This is a beginner’s mistake, but it happens ALL the time. Nothing to say, click the link below for more information, or visit my website, or even comment on this video and let me know your thoughts. It is crucial to have a specific call to action in your video or else no one will take action. You need to guide people gently by the hand and tell them exactly what to do.

By addressing these common mistakes, you will see more and more traffic to your site as you create more videos. Remember. YouTube is owned by Google. They follow all the same SEO rules as a typical web page. Use this to your advantage and you will see a big change in traffic to your site.

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