Free eGift Cards – Get them online with ease

We all know that we should get away from that email that comes from Africa telling you that someone wants to deposit a million dollars in your account. Unfortunately, it’s emails like these that keep us from even good online opportunities. Every time I see an email that tells me I am one of the new millionaires, it automatically goes […]

Modern rustic interiors and furniture

The rustic-modern interior trend is a welcome change from the vintage rustic that takes a break from the concern for aesthetics. Rustic exposed unfinished beams and brick walls with hardwood or natural stone floors furnished with antique furniture and natural fabrics. That is a style that I enjoy exploring. Incorporating rustic elements into our homes in an informally sophisticated way, […]

The Three Stages of Filmmaking

There are three stages of the production process: 1. Pre-production (the planning stage) where you could expect to spend about 1/3 of your total time. 2. Production (the shooting stage) that you could expect to spend about 1/6 of your total time on. 3. Post-production (the editing stage) where you could expect to spend about half of your total time. […]

When a married man goes out

(First posted @GoodMenProject, Aug 6, 2018) In today’s zeitgeist, the men seem trapped in a Catch-22. They are doomed no matter which direction they take. Despite that, they will somehow define themselves and shape their personality, mind, career, and life in a dangerously complicated world. Many men feel trapped in a whirlwind of conflicting messages, demands, theories, stories, censorship, and […]

Sushi: more than raw fish

Japanese cuisine has worldwide popularity and nothing is more synonymous with Japanese food than sushi. The term sushi is associated with raw fish dishes that we see as healthy culinary art forms that taste great. The traditional forms and types vary greatly. Raw seafood is the basis of the dishes that are consumed and are based on its own merits. […]

Be Your Own Pet Psychic with Pet Oracle Cards

Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking? Have you ever wished you could just talk to your cat or dog to see what would make them happy, what do they want more, what do they want less, or what do they love about their life with you? Well, the wait is over … Pet Oracle Cards will help […]

Usher Raymond Height

Wondering how tall the popular superstar is? Have several photos with other celebrities made you curious about their height? This article will explain how tall Usher Raymond really is. Usher Raymond’s artist name is Usher. He was raised in Texas and was born on October 14, 1978. Usher has sold millions of songs and is one of the most famous […]