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Radical Spirituality: Uncover Your Subconscious Fears and Defenses, Part 3

Beyond your conscious awareness resides your collective subconscious with unique fears, prejudices, defenses, and abilities that comprise your true self.

One of the fastest ways to advance in your self-knowledge, that is, in your spirituality, is to enter your hidden mind; self-awareness is one of the keys to optimizing your talents and opportunities, making the most of your life.

“The subconscious is murmuring endlessly, and it is by listening to these murmurs that one hears their truth.”

Gaston Bachelard

“hunches [are] only messages from the subconscious, which [is] thinking furiously all the time and processing information that we haven’t consciously written down.”

Dean Koontz

You are mostly unable to control subconscious impressions and how your subconscious works which greatly influences your way of thinking.

Nobody is perfect. Due to the ingrained nature of each individual’s different hidden fears and defenses, it is wise to be understanding that an individual cannot just let go of them on demand and be perfectly rational, any more than they can just let go of their inability. to defy gravity.

Many subconscious fears like the fear of flying can be modified, but you have to learn to live with other more ingrained fears, and subconscious defenses can’t really be modified much.

Subconscious resistance-type defense patterns, such as resentment and aggressiveness, are some of the most threatening and troublesome personality traits and are difficult to adjust.

Even more difficult to modify than the defenses mentioned above are escape-type subconscious defense patterns, such as acute self-deception and secrecy.

Below, we describe multiple common and troublesome subconscious traits, including fears and defenses.

1. Excessive desire for the acquisition of money and material things may be good for a business that pays its sales reps on commission, but this trait can be toxic in other ways, such as in relationships for obvious reasons. Along with cunning, it can also easily lead to shady or even criminal behavior.

2. Someone with a savior complex does “the right thing” to your detriment. He usually enters into a relationship with someone who is markedly mentally or emotionally hurt in an attempt to save that person, whether he is aware of it or not. He becomes a problem when he helps everyone but himself.

3. A person with excessive vanity and narcissism is a liability to any society or organization (and to themselves) due, in part, to the fact that they can be manipulated through excessive praise and admiration. This trait is sometimes confused with having a “big ego”, but is actually representative of a weak ego, a weak ego.

4. Excessive rationalization, self-delusion and lack of objectivity are very common negative characteristics. Everyone rationalizes a bit from time to time, but when it comes to full-blown, full-time idiosyncrasies, these are the kind of people who firmly believe their lies, to the amazement of those around them. It usually begins in childhood when the subject learns to deceive himself because the truth is too painful to face head-on. For example, in his memory, his father did not abandon the family; he was simply pushed aside due to strange life circumstances.

5. A person with excessive restlessness may jump from project to project, never completing much. It is possible that the process of concentrating for too long on a certain area of ​​interest uncovers some secret memories in your subconscious that you are not willing to confront.

6. Perfectionism or excessive attention to detail causes a person to get lost in the details while missing the big picture.

7. Problematic emotional balance and maturity cause someone to fall into an immature disposition while under pressure, much to the pain of those around them.

Surprisingly, simply being aware of the fact that you have hidden personality traits, beyond yourself, can go a long way toward self-awareness and getting more out of life. Once you address your hidden challenges, it’s much easier to cultivate your hidden talents.

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