Tours Travel

Roast some excellent shiitake mushrooms

An indoor grill is a great way to prepare all kinds of food. Did you know that you can make great tasting shiitake mushrooms in just a few minutes of your time? Grab your favorite open-style indoor grill, be it a George Foreman grill or any other brand, and some shiitake mushrooms around 8 ounces each. This recipe works best with an open style grill that sits flat, rather than a contact or closed style grill that has two sides that close together.

You will need to start by rinsing the mushrooms to remove any dirt or other debris. Then take a few minutes to remove the stems from all of your mushrooms, since that part doesn’t taste very good. This is where the real fun begins, put all of the following ingredients in a bowl to create a marinade for your mushrooms …

1 tablespoon garlic, crushed

1 teaspoon rosemary, chopped

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1 tablespoon of tamari

1 tablespoon of sesame oil

1 pinch of salt and black pepper

These ingredients alone will taste great as a marinade, but if you want to add a little more to the mix, you can add 1 teaspoon of maple syrup. A lot of people don’t expect the maple syrup, but it really brings all the ingredients together to create something very tasty. Also, the sugar helps add a bit of caramelization during the roasting process.

After you’ve mixed all the ingredients, add the shiitake mushrooms and let them marinate for at least 5 minutes. Do not marinate for more than 10 minutes or the mushrooms will get soggy; soggy mushrooms don’t grill very well.

The final part of the recipe is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is remove the mushrooms from the marinade and toss them on the grill. Although this part is simple, you should definitely pay attention so that your mushrooms do not burn. The secret to a good tasting mushroom is to let it burn slightly but not quite crunchy. Pay attention to the color and don’t turn the mushrooms until they turn quite dark.

There are a host of fun recipes that you can use with just about any indoor grill. Take the time to learn as many recipes as you can and I guarantee that you will never tire of grilling in your own kitchen.

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