
Simplified water fuel engine

It really has been in the last few years that you have seen an increase in people installing a water fueled engine in their cars and trucks. Although the technology has been around for a long time, well over a hundred years and even longer if you count Isaac Newton’s theoretical knowledge of it, it has only been with the advent of high oil prices that the general public has become seriously interested.

As oil prices rise and fall, the cost to install a water fuel engine kit remains around $160. Not bad, considering you can start saving up to 55% at the pump, maybe more with a few tweaks and adjustments. Components were a little cheaper a year or two ago, but anything under two hundred dollars that will eventually shrink the home by hundreds and thousands has to be good news.

With close to a million Americans already running on HHO water fuel, combined with gasoline or diesel, one begins to wonder what that number will be four or five years from now. At least the US has official figures. It is anyone’s guess how many of the world’s population are using these systems.

The thing is, nobody needs more than a good guide that suits theirs. The parts are extremely easy to handle and no specialized tools are required. You don’t even need an understanding of basic chemistry. Simply following the directions is good enough for most people. Some find they need a mechanic’s help, but usually that won’t be more than a couple of hours.

Oxyhydrogen does not interrupt the normal operation of the vehicle’s engine, gasoline or diesel. HHO gas is fed into the internal combustion engine and mixed with gasoline. By itself, it burns four to five times better than gasoline. As it mixes, it also helps the combustion efficiency of the oil, which is typically as low as 30%.

How to make a water fuel engine is quite easy

To have a trouble-free time, almost everyone needs a professional manual. They are probably only available on the web. Most retail downloads under $100. Many come with a two-month money-back guarantee. Equipped with something good, you can even take it to the local mechanic who has to build and tune it for under $500. Of course, do it yourself and you can cut two-thirds off that figure.

The components of an HHO kit are a battery, a container, a catalyst, some wires, and some H2O. The battery is already there, so no problem. It provides the power, so to speak, but regenerates as the vehicle moves. The battery is likely to last only four-fifths of what it would normally last. That’s more than offset by the fact that oxyhydrogen is easier on pistons, gaskets and valves, so much so that it can often nearly double the life of an internal combustion engine.

When the vehicle is started, electricity flows through a small amount of water contained within the reservoir. The catalyst does the rest. This is where the huge increase in miles per gallon comes into play. Hydrogen and oxygen fly out of the cathode and anode and are reformed in an upper chamber as HHO. That is absorbed by the carburetor where it takes the place of some of the gasoline or diesel. Not only does it do that, water fuel also burns six times more efficiently than gas.

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