
Tips for taking care of your yorkie

Yorkies have long, silky coats, and this small breed of dog is quite popular with dog lovers. At first, they were raised in England to help textile factories get rid of rats. Since then these dogs have become great companion dogs and ordinary people have started to breed them. Their real name is Yorkshire Terrier but they are called Yorkies with love. These dogs are really energetic. Additionally, they require exercise, grooming, and companionship to stay happy and healthy just like other dogs. Here are some tips to help you take good care of your Yorkie.

Bathe your yorkie

Bathing your yorkie is a good idea to keep him clean and odorless. Generally, you should bathe them at least once a month. Bathing them more often can cause dryness and irritation. You can use shampoo and conditioners to keep her hair clean and strong.

Give him a haircut

Make it part of your routine to trim her hair regularly. If not properly groomed, your hair can get tangled and tangled. When they brush or bathe, they won’t lose too much hair. Also, keep in mind that your yorkie will not lose its coat unlike other dogs. You can trim your hair on your own or you can hire a professional.

Brush your coat

Yorkies have long coats that quickly tangle if you don’t brush them often. You can keep the length of your coat short for your convenience. However, keep in mind that short layers need to be brushed more often. Don’t brush too hard and use a leave-in conditioner to hydrate hair after every brushing episode.

Make bows

Your yorkie’s hair will grow fast and hang over his eyes. To prevent hair from getting into your eyes, you can tie a bun or keep your hair very short. Apart from this, you can use a comb to remove the knots from the hair and then secure the hair with a band.

Trim nails

Like other dogs, your Yorkie’s nails will continue to grow over time. To avoid overgrowth, you can trim your nails once every 2 months. If you find that your dog is biting his nails, it is time to clip his nails. Too large nails cause pain and discomfort.

Choose nutritious foods

Your yorkie won’t eat a lot of food, especially if he’s an adult. You can feed your dog only once a day or leave the food portion at home for the whole day. Make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh water throughout the day. You can buy a small bowl so your dog can easily drink water.

Yorkies do not need a special type of food and can eat commercial dog food available in the market. Remember: it is not a good idea to overfeed your yorkie or he may have health problems.

So, here are some tips to keep your yorkie healthy throughout its life. Good luck taking care of your puppy.

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