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Why don’t men call after a date? Was it something you said?

As he walks you to your door, you both stop before you reach the entrance. She looks into your eyes and you remember how handsome he is. Smiling, she takes your hand and reaches for a kiss. What a perfect way to end a fantastic night.

The date went well, and he definitely seemed interested in you. In fact, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. You feel that you have really connected with him and you are sure that this is the beginning of something special. Going back to his car, he tells you that he will call you. You greet and smile; unaware of the fact that this is the last time you will see him.

Of course, he won’t call the next day. That would seem a bit desperate, and it certainly wasn’t. Two days pass, then a week. What’s going on? Why hasn’t she called?

After two weeks, you realize it’s over. If you had something special that night, it’s gone. Going over things in your head, you can’t figure out where you went wrong. How could you have misread the signs? Why would he cheat on you and hurt you like that?

You contemplate calling him, but self-respect prevails.

Why didn’t you call?

Here are some possible reasons:

Not sincere: plain and simple – He’s the type who can’t show his feelings. He may put on a good show, but deep down he’s thinking about how to get you to bed or what the outcome of last night’s game was. He probably has a lot of friends (who are at least as immature as he is) and a woman or two by his side. This guy has a lot on his plate and you don’t have priority.

fear of compromise – Maybe he sensed that things were going a little fast. Some people just can’t get close to others. The main reason for this is the perceived loss of freedom. Although it’s usually a problem after more than one date, she may have seen where things were heading and decided to end it before it started.

you came out desperate – Yeah, even though you were laughing like a couple of kids during the date and thought things were going great, you may have been giving off vibes of despair. Laughing at all her jokes and agreeing with everything she said may not have been the best plan. But you only did that because you wanted to please him. Surely he could see that?

you were too serious. You may have said something that was misunderstood (marriage, babies). Unfortunately, you’ll probably never know. The best thing to do on a first date is to keep things light.

However, there is something positive in the whole experience. At least you were spared the pain of building a relationship, only for it to eventually all come crashing down.

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