The default rep range

I had an hour-long conversation with Pavel Tsatsouline on Sunday and, as usual, his probing questions brought up a few things I had forgotten. One thing he asked was, “Over the years, was there a single rep range that you preferred?” What was ‘normal’ for me? Put another way, what single rep range did I use most often in my […]

Healthy Weight Loss – Lose Weight Naturally

It seems everyone is searching for that magic bullet: the quick weight loss secret that will shed excess weight instantly and turn you into a supermodel. The fact is, there are healthy, effective, and simple techniques you can use to achieve weight loss and keep it off in the long run. Losing weight can be a frustrating and sometimes depressing […]

Gelatin, an important ally to lose abdominal fat

Nutritionists talk about the benefits of gelatin for health and beauty. Tasty, refreshing and easy to prepare, gelatin has been treated for many years as a food for children. But after several studies, experts say that it brings health benefits to people of all ages, working, for example, as an important source of collagen, a protein that contributes to the […]

tickled by the pickle

The sound drew me in. It was smoother than thunder and stronger than a mallet at one point, but when the paddle hit that ball, I was instantly captivated, drawn like a moth to a flame. Four people on a badminton court with a very low net. They were positioned as strategic pawns holding rectangular paddles, two standing outside the […]

Foods to avoid with gout while dining out

Gout is a painful condition caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. In most cases, this will happen on the big toe or between the big toe and the one next to it. The overabundance of this uric acid will crystallize and settle in that joint and be quite painful. Although gout is primarily a problem […]

The history of scented candles

Candles have been an important part of human society for thousands of years. Originally, the only possible way to see once the sun went down was with torches, fire, or candles. Torches were not safe indoors, and walking from room to room carrying a portable fireplace was neither practical nor possible. Therefore, the candles lit the way. Everything was done […]