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Got Birds: Absolute Bird Control Tackles Top Ten Pest Bird Problems Owners Meetup

Do you have birds? Absolute Bird Control is a website dedicated to providing the best in affordable and humane bird deterrents. The site offers a full line of easy-to-use products that can remedy virtually any bird pest problem, and the products are designed for home use! Whether you have pigeons under an eaves, geese in your yard, or sparrows nesting on a windowsill, Absolute Bird Control has the right product for you!

Bird pests can be quite annoying. They create a mess and can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus, bird flu, and histoplasmosis. It is important to address a bird pest problem as soon as it is detected. The longer birds inhabit an area, the more difficult it is to get them to move.

For years, Absolute Bird Control has been dedicated to helping homeowners find the best product for their pest bird problems. The customer service department is committed to educating customers on the different products available.

Absolute Bird Control recently surveyed their customer service department to find out what the top ten “bird pest” questions they received were. The following list provides solutions for the most common bird problems homeowners face. If you have a problem with pest birds, Absolute has a solution!

1. Pigeons on a roof

Birds like the highest points of buildings to search for predators and food. When you remove the option to land there, they will usually move on and find another spot. Pigeons or seagulls can be deterred by using the spike products. The birds know they can’t land on that surface. An outdoor sound dig also works well in this situation. These units are weather resistant and can cover large areas. Other options would be gel repellents. Applied to the roof line, birds do not like the “sticky feeling” on their feet and will move on. Making the area uncomfortable will be your best bet. Because a roof area can be difficult to access, calling a licensed pest control company may be the best way to care for birds on a roof. To find an installer in your area, call 1-800-392-6915.

2. Small birds that nest under and overhang or canopy

An eave is the perfect home for a bird. It provides shelter from the elements and from predators. Odors in the nest material and droppings will drive the bird back to its own nest. The most important step is to make sure that all nesting material is cleaned. Calling a pest control professional to help with cleanup and installation is your best bet. Bird droppings carry disease, and proper protection is a must. Once the nests and droppings are cleaned up, there are several products that can help. The best way to keep smaller birds out of an eave is to block them off with netting. The network acts as a physical barrier. Treating the rafters that birds nest in with Bird Gel will also help. An outdoor sound deterrent, the Bird Chase Supersonic is weather resistant and can be programmed for smaller birds. Predator calls signal birds to move away from danger.

3. Pigeons on a balcony or patio

Pigeons on a balcony or patio are a very common problem. These areas provide shelter and privileged places to nest. Since birds roost indiscriminately in these areas, it’s important to choose something that encompasses your patio or balcony. Many people have success with visual deterrents like Mylar Flash Tape or Scare Eye Divers. Both use visual scare tactics to scare birds away. A sound browser can also help with this problem; they cover wide areas and do not require maintenance. For tabletops and air conditioning units, the Repeller, a solar-powered unit that uses motion to scare birds, will also work.

4. Geese in the yard, making a mess of the grassy area

Geese are large birds, creating large masses. Absolute Bird Control offers three different products to deter geese. There is a topical herbal repellant called Migrate. It’s made from grape extract and geese can’t stand the taste. Applied to a grassy area, geese will realize they have no food source and will move to a better location. There is also a product called a bird scarer that connects to a garden hose. Whenever the unit detects movement, it will spray water. Lastly, there is a sound deterrent called Goose Chase Sonic, which uses the distress calls of other geese to move them around. If you only have a few geese, any of the goose products will work. If you have a larger number of geese on the property, you may want to consider using a combination of the products.

5. Woodpeckers destroying the side of a house

Woodpeckers peck at surfaces for three reasons: to find food, to attract a mate, and to create a nest cavity. If woodpeckers have chosen your home to peck at, there are some successful items you can use. Visual deterrents such as diverters, eye scare balloons, or Mylar tape work well with a woodpecker problem. All three of these items have reflective surfaces that woodpeckers will avoid. The Bird Chase Super Sonic can be programmed for woodpeckers. The unit can cover 1 to 5 acres and is weather resistant.

6. Birds perched on a window sill

Window sills provide a perch and often shelter. Making the sill unusable for birds is a good way to prevent a bird from choosing your window. Products like Bird Spikes or Bird Gel work well in this situation. If you have birds flying into a window or pecking at a window, we carry “window alerts”. These are stickers applied to the window itself, which help the birds to recognize the surface and ignore the reflection.

7. Seagulls or pigeons making a mess on a boat or dock

When a boat owner goes out on his boat, the last thing he wants to do is clean up bird droppings. Ships’ masts and spreaders provide perfect landing spots for these large birds. We have two great products to help boat owners combat a difficult bird problem. The Bird Spider is a very simple product, with very successful results. The steel arms bounce in the wind, the movement will scare the birds away. Usually one spider at each end of a boat will be enough to deter birds. The repeller, the solar powered bird deterrent, can also be used on boats. This unit is ideal for flat surfaces such as canopies or decks. The continuous sweeping motion of the rods will keep birds at bay.

8. Noisy birds in a nearby tree

It’s 6:00 am and the birds in a nearby tree are at it again! Typically, clients are concerned about the noise and disorder birds create while in a tree. If they are not nesting you can try the exterior sound deterrent (the Bird Chase Super Sonic), which emits predator and distress calls, when birds hear these calls their natural instinct is to flee the area. Visual deterrents on the tree, like our Flash Mylar Balloon Eye Scare Tape, can also help. Fruit growers find success with Scare Eye Diverters when trying to protect fruit trees.

9. Birds/Ducks in or near a swimming pool

If you have bird problems around your pool, you may want to consider an exterior sound deterrent. This device uses predator and distress calls to scare birds away. It is weather resistant and can be programmed with which bird has the problem. Since you can’t really treat the pool with surface treatments (like nails or gel), this may be your best option. If the problem is ducks in a pool, eye scare balloons used in the pool have proven successful. The “Scary Eyes Balloon” has simulated predator eyes printed on the balloon. The ducks will be scared by the site and move on.

10. Small birds nesting in a garage/barn

Nesting birds are difficult to eliminate. Absolute Bird Control gets calls about birds in a garage or barn often. Again, these structures provide a perfect shelter. As with question 2, area protection is the best way to keep birds out. Blocking access to rafters or rafters that birds perch on is a great way to protect these areas. We also carry an indoor sound dig called Bird Chase Super Sonic. This unit uses high-frequency ultrasonic noise to detect birds and can cover up to 6,000 square feet.

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