Arts Entertainments

The Holy Spirit does not want you to stop reading your Bible

Open your Bible to 1 Timothy 4:13 it says… Until I come, pay attention to the reading, to the exhortation, to the doctrine. Go ahead and highlight that writing.

We live in a fallen world and there are evil spiritual forces that influence the way people live. The devil keeps keeping many people in the dark with his lies! Yes, Satan works very hard to make sure he doesn’t know what is available to you in the Bible. You don’t have to try to understand everything or try to figure everything out. Just receive it and believe it because the written Word says so. There is a simple rule for spiritual success and that is that the Holy Spirit does not want you to stop reading the Bible.

Jesus wants you to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God! That means he must have love, devotion, and loyalty to God’s Word, even through extreme troubles, trials, and disappointments. Go ahead and make up your mind right now, that no person, place, or thing will ever come between you and the written Word of God. God wants your life to be guided by his wisdom and Truth.

He wants Bible reading to take root in your spirit. He keep reading the scriptures. God’s Word will take you out of your own plans and into God’s plans. Instead of working according to your own plan, it will be God’s Word working in and through you to do God’s good. That is the power of the Gospel! You have to hold on to the written Word of God because God will give you the encouragement that will make your life profitable. Say Hallelujah!

God will never help you to be someone else. He wants you to be the NEW YOU, saved by Jesus. If you sincerely want to lead a life that pleases God, you must make decisions that please Him. The Holy Spirit does not want you to stop reading your Bible, you must build your life on the Rock that cannot be moved and the Rock is Jesus! The Christian life is about following the teachings of Jesus. You don’t focus on the world’s priorities, but on God’s priorities. The Bible will teach you these things. The Bible is how you approach God and how He will approach you.

Jesus wants you to think, speak and live in harmony with the Word of God. You will prosper and be successful if you believe in God, trust Him, and walk in the light of His Word. If you endure with patience, you will have many victories in your life thanks to the teachings of the Bible.

Many people listen to the Word of God and live lives of great faith and others listen to the same Word and live lives of defeat. Why is this? The Word must come alive in you! You have to spend time with God in prayer and reading the Bible. When you love God, you show your love by reading his Word. Now, raise your hand and say: I live my life according to the Bible!

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